I was invited to capture portraits of horses at a nearby stable. It turned out to be a highly fulfilling morning.
Equestrian photography involves numerous elements. You must capture the horse with its ears alert and upright, legs in specific positions, head up, eyes open without showing the whites, and mouth closed.Taking photos of the horses along with their owners is quite involved, but I was ready for the challenge.
I headed to the stables on a hot, sunny morning without a cloud in the sky. Finding shade was challenging, as the intense sunlight created prominent shadows. I quickly realized that positioning a large horse isn't as simple as just moving it slightly to the left or right. As it was my first experience photographing horses, I learned a great deal. I used the bright sunlight to my advantage in some shots, as it accentuated their glossy coats and highlighted every detail.
Afterwards, I edited the images using my software and created a few that I was finally satisfied with.
Here are a few I'd like to share with you.
If you would like me to assist with this, please contact me so we can discuss your needs. In the next few months, I will be creating a page on my website to offer a Bespoke Equestrian Photography Package, so stay tuned!